To reset a macOS Catalyst application, you need to know these values:
- User folder ivanvorobei
- Application Bundle io.ivanvorobei.apps.debts
- AppGroup
Be careful, use the values from your application.
Clear UserDefaults
To remove the default UserDefaults, open a terminal and type the command:
// Delete <mark>UserDefaults</mark> entirely
defaults delete io.ivanvorobei.apps.debts
// Remove from <mark>UserDefaults</mark> by key
defaults delete io.ivanvorobei.apps.debts key
If you used a custom domain, call the command:
// Created like this:
UserDefaults(suiteName: "Custom")
// Deleted like this:
defaults delete Custom
If you use an AppGroup, delete these folders:
/Users/ivanvorobei/Library/Group Containers/
/Users/ivanvorobei/Library/Application Scripts/
If stored in the default path, delete that folder:
Realm database
The Realm database files are stored as normal files. They are either in the AppGroup or in the default folder. If you follow the steps above, the database is deleted.